As Hong Kong seeks to grow as an international Web3 and virtual asset (VA) hub, the public consultation paper jointly issued by Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) to gather views on the legislative proposal to regulate fiat-referenced stablecoin (FRS) issuers that will also enable issuance and sale of FRSs to retail investors. FTAHK's RegTech and Web3 & Blockchain Committees are pleased to host a a joint committee meeting featuring a panel discussion including a guest panelist from the HKMA. This joint committee is kindly hosted by King & Wood Mallesons and will be followed by drinks.
Ernest Ho, Head of Digital Finance, HKMA
Kat Kukreja, Director, FTAHK
Urszula McCormack, Partner, King & Wood Mallesons
Jonathan Muthana, Senior Legal Counsel, Standard Chartered Bank